Being Shackled and Chained To A Consciousness

Sometimes the shackles and chains serve as a beautiful reminder of a precious consciousness. One that needs to be restricted, limited and tied down, even imprisoned if necessary to expand to other states, regardless of the length or duration in the contracted state. It’s often a necessary part of progress as a whole. Human consciousness is constantly in this state, as an infinitely evolving cycle of contraction and expansion where all the horror is in perfect synchronicity with all the beauty. So there is never a problem, ever. There aren’t even lessons because you know them all. Sometimes the things we choose to create and experience come in uncomfortable packages. Yet there is only perfection by design and the perception of it being anything else but perfection is human consciousness. Embracing uncomfortable states so that a greater sense of comfort aligns with what we are. To all prisoners….you are free, unless you really don’t want to be.

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