It Pervades Us

There is a very special consciousness that pervades our being at all times. It’s called “not doing”. There are many things we must not be doing. Doing them is not really comfortable or feels very right so we avoid them, sometimes because we are told to or not to, or perhaps a combination of all of the above. Ultimately it is our choice in the end, our design. We can avoid sensible things like accidents that may lead to our deaths, so this is one example of how we are always in a state of selecting a more peaceful environment while traveling than the chaos of a horrific accident which we would all like to avoid. So in “not doing” the things we’ve learned cause accidents, like excessive speeding, losing control of the car, we feel right and it keeps us safe from injury and inconvenience. We are “not doing” chaos today because we want convenience and comfort.

In avoiding, we end up not doing whatever it is we are supposed to be doing that supposedly we shouldn’t do. It’s all a mind fuck of unimaginable proportions that we actually believe that by avoiding what we perceive as wrong doings, wrong words, wrong gestures, wrong actions, wrong intentions, that we are then in the right doing. And as long as we stay in that right doing, we’re good, at peace…love and light. In the accident scenario, avoidance of the factors that lead to these unfortunate incidents really does help us remain in a greater state of peace. But why do we always freak out when we perceive we need to get back to peace and love and light, which requires some kind of right doing, right words, right gestures, right actions, and right intentions that elevate us to our standards and sensibilities of what that should be?

Do you realize what an absolute master creator you are?
How magnificent you are?
How do you do this?
How do you convince yourself that you need to get somewhere to be something you are not at this moment?

How do you manage to crystallize this concept and make it real in your state of consciousness, that you are not where you need to be right now, because you need to be elsewhere? This, just this, on its own, without any other explanation, means you can shift energy in a way that compacts it, stacks it, compresses it, makes it so thick and dense that it weaves its way through a matrix of sorts that has a wavelength and carries harmonics and resonance in a continuum we call this galaxy. It has a cycle. You are in it. Humanity is a form of this cycle. And as a human, you found a way, through a transceiving device called DNA, to enter this form and program a broadcasting field of energy to pretend that there is a place, a somewhere, a time, that is not now, and another time which you call past (since the present moment is gone) that you came from. And you always fancy being in another place called future in a way you are not now, because what you are aiming for in the future is of course much better than what you are now. Much better. So you will create something called purpose and because there is this concept you manifest into your reality, it signals an ideal, a token of a new existence, that you can be better at a future moment because of some kind of intention or objective you feel is defining your field of consciousness. It’s a path, sort of speak, where you must be headed in order to get to where you think you need to be.

It’s all a complement to your mastery. You will always be a master of time and space with an ability to enter any density you wish, at any time, because it’s all you. You just found a way to convince yourself it’s not. So you will continue “not doing”.….you’re doing a fine job “not doing”.

Carry on. You don’t have much choice anyway. If you’re “not doing” you will never “do anything”. Don’t repeat this to teenagers please. ;)

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