New Year Means New Concepts

Every new year that comes, new concepts arise which make us affirm, embrace or question those concepts we learned the year(s) prior.

A pervasive consciousness that has taken the world by storm, specifically in the last decade is where others are responsible for how we feel, and because of that we must allocate measures to ensure that everybody always makes us feel good at all times. Feeling bad is not an option and if we start to feel bad, then we must absolutely find a way to feel good again by preventing the actions that make us feel bad.

It does make sense though doesn’t it? If somebody makes you feel bad, you would likely prefer that mechanism that started the “bad feeling” in the present did not exist in the future. Unless of course it was helping you in some significant way. But how could we possibly know this?

As we move through our galaxy in this day and age, interact more with new technology and social processes, will we begin to observe more of the interconnected dynamics between “bad feelings”, why they exist, their transitions and how they lead to growth? Can we do this without having to insert a red flag labeling similar states and experiences as something that must be avoided at all costs? When a toddler bumps their heads on a piece of furniture, do we put pillows around every single piece of furniture that exists in the house to prevent a similar injury, or do we use common sense around assessing and protecting for individual incidents in the future? Can you really protect yourself from everything at all times?

What we see today is more of a “cushion the world with pillows” approach for our potential boo-boos. You see this extensively in discussions related to gender politics, feminism, racism, religion, mental illness and many other topics where people have been discriminated against and where prejudice thrives. We have a judicial system, so obviously we are a judgement based society that views right/wrong as one of the most sacred and valuable resource concepts we have to maintain control. We are all in that society. And regardless of our non-secular beliefs, humans have a need to satisfy an emotional state relating to being victimized by identifying a perpetrator to our woes. It’s what we love to do. It’s why we have laws and a system of function that relates to 1s and 0s.

As the year of four (2020) is now upon us, will we maintain the status quo in imposing a view of the world that everybody must follow to satisfy our most vulnerable sensibilities?

Will we become softer in our approach, more cognizant of our creation, more responsible for how we feel rather than the grand assumption that how others make us feel define us?

What if suddenly the world came to terms with every single source of our experience being a construct to that which is already within, what we think, what we feel and who we are?

What then?
Would that not end the game as we know it?
That is why that realization is not for all at this time.
We love to play here and we need players who are very skilled in contracting and expanding a consciousness. So we always invite players who can battle and keep it entertaining otherwise what’s the point? If there is no game, then what is the point of having a beautiful planet such as this? We come here to play, to love, and to express lack thereof so we can feel a broad range of emotional states that make us feel alive. It is the contrast that keeps us expanding always. Without contrast there is not growth.

The year of four will see many transitions and while we need players in this game for it to continue, it is the players themselves that will change. It’s a new game with new rules and we’re all in it.
Things are about to get very interesting.
See you on the other side.

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